(+420) 733 130 020 call between 9:00 - 18:00

Big Games

You have your own equipment and you search out for the challenge? Come and play PPA Big game!

There is an organizers crew takes care of observation of the rules, duration of the event and preparation of the field. Furthermore, they prepare the tools as bombs, cannon, flags and motorized technics for you in advance.

The price:

  • Players with their own equipment: 20 € (whole day, entrance to the field + air pressure)
  • Players with our package All You Can Shoot: 55 € (4 hours, gear + unlimited ammunition)
  • Players with basic package: 35 € (whole day, gear, without ammunition)

You can bring your own paintballs (BYO) or you can buy ProShar Paintballs on site:

  • ProShar Skirmish - 32 € / 2000 pcs
  • ProShar Exact - 32 € / 2000 pcs
  • ProShar Exact - 34 € / 2000 pcs

We always have Skirmish Paintballs on site, if you are interested in different paintballs, please, let us know in advance, thank you for your understanding. :)

Powderballs .68 Cal are banned, including First Strike USP rounds. Regular First Strike paintballs are allowed.

PPA BigGames


Registration must be done by email. Please specify whether you have your own equipment or need to borrow it from us. The event is really only for players with magfed equipment, either their own or borrowed.

When does it play: 23. 3. 2025 10:00
Where does it play: Field Libá  | 50°7'53.794"N, 12°14'8.261"E


???? Fasching, Fastnacht, universeller Karneval oder tschechischer Masopust? Es ist egal, wie wir es nennen, wir werden es einfach genießen und es wird ein Riesenspaß sein!

When does it play: Have already happened
Where does it play: Field Libá  | 50°7'53.794"N, 12°14'8.261"E

Do you have a question and you don't know who to ask? Leave us a message and we answer.

* This data is required
(+420) 733 130 020

Call us between 9:00 - 18:00.
Optimal booking time for the reservation


After 18:00 contact
us by email only

Do you have the reservation and you just need to verify the time and the place?
verify the reservation online
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